2022 Conference Summary
MNAFPM held the 2022 Annual Conference in Duluth, MN on November 2nd & 3rd. MNAFPM revamped and unveiled its new logo at the conference as the organization celebrates 20 years of working to improve the way Minnesota prepares for, responds to, and learns from flood events. Floodplain Managers, State and Federal Regulators, Meteorologists, Academics, Design Professionals, Consultants, and Students from around the Midwest and MN were able to attend. MnAFPM had one of the highest turnouts in recent years likely due to the excitement for many to return to in-person events.
The first day of the conference started with training and MNAFPMs traditional tour of local floodplain management projects as well as the first of the technical sessions. The Exhibitor Reception and Founder’s Panel were a great way to connect and we were lucky enough to hear from a few of the founding board members and early organizers that started MNAFPM 20 years ago. It was wonderful to look back at our history and hear from our founders about the topics that were forefront at the founding as compared to now. The mission remains the same, but the challenges are new.
The second and final day of the conference began with the Annual MnAFPM Business Meeting and updates from the DNR and BWSR. Intermixed with technical sessions, attendees were able to hear from NOAA on the Rainy River Basin Flooding of 2022 over lunch and the Floodplain Manager of the Year and Project of the Year Award recipients were recognized.
MnAFPM - Lisa Buchli Floodplain Manager of the Year Award
Alexa Ducioame, Water Resources Engineer - Moore Engineering, Inc.
MnAFPM - Project of the Year Award
Pine River Dam Removal and Rock Riffle Installation Project - City of Pine River, Bolton & Menk, MN DNR
Additionally, The top two speakers, as selected by conference participants, received the much-coveted speaker trophies, custom made by MnAFPM’s own Chuck Hubbard,
during the afternoon wrap up and raffle. The 2022 conference was graced with many great speakers.
Katy Thompson, Young Environmental - No-Rise Certifications vs. No-Impact: The Cumulative Impacts of No-Rise Floodplain Development
Zach McEachran, NWS-NCRFC - Statistical Forecasting Approaches for the Rainy River Basin
Joe Waln awarding to Alexa Ducioame
Travis Kluthe awarding to Brent Johnson on behalf of the City of Pine River and Bolton & Menk
Zach McEachran and Katy Thompson
2022 MnAFPM Conference Program

Links to Presentations are provided below. Note: Not all presentations are provided.
Appeals & LOMRs on a Preliminary Map - Ducioame
Assessing Resilience of the Bailey Lake Storage and Overflow System - Cox
Bourbanis Dam Emergency Response to the Spring 2022 - Zimmerman
Calibrating the Cannon River - Nahkala
Flood Management The Story of CSAH 32 - Stier
Interior Drainage for Grafton ND - Wirries
No-Rise Certifications versus No-Impact - Thompson
Pine Dam Removal and Rock Rapids Installation - Johnson
Statistical Forecasting Approaches for the Rainy River - McEachran
The Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - Meyer
The News that Wasn't (and some that was) - Pederson
Updated Precipitation Data - Now and Into the Future - Galloway
Using the Risk Assessment Process to Improve Cedar Rapids Flood Protection - Judd & Redington