2003 Conference
The 2003 inaugural conference of the Minnesota Association of Floodplain Managers convened in Rochester, Minnesota, on November 19-21, 2003.
Mayor Ardell Brede gave us a warm welcome and spoke about the flood control efforts that have been constructed in the City of Rochester
The success of the conference was noted by attendees:
- Regarding the Field Trip: "First Class! Well Done."
- What Did they like best about the conference: "Great Speakers"
The committee received several comments from people who have been to other state floodplain association conferences in regards to the high quality of our conference.
Letter from our President
The Inaugural Conference of the Minnesota Association of Floodplain Managers exceeded our expectations. Early in the conference planning stage concerns arose as travel budgets for cities and counties were froze around the state due to the financial constraints many agencies were facing.
Nonetheless, we plugged away at an aggressive agenda of one full-day of workshops, training and field trips and an additional day-and-a-half of plenary and concurrent sessions. Sessions included presentations and panel discussions from consultants, federal and state agencies and elected officials.
Our concerns evaporated as registration for the conference exceeded 110 people and sponsors offered financial assistance. In addition, our vendor booth room ballooned to 22 companies. Folks recognized that despite the financial belt-tightening many of our organizations were experiencing, there was still value in attending as Mother Nature will still bring flooding.
At was apparent at the conference that one of MnAFPM core missions to provide a forum where local, state, federal and private agencies can come together and discuss issues important to them on an equal level was alive and well.
The conference was buzzing with idea sharing, dialogue and networking through not only the conference program itself, but during the field trips, meals, mixers, banquet and entertainment.
It was refreshing to place far-off state and federal names and titles with people in a venue that fosters discussion and interagency connectivity and partnerships. Thus the working title of the Inaugural Conference – Living with Floods: Solutions Through Partnerships was apropos.
So, what’s on the agenda for 2004? MnAFPM is sponsoring a Spring luncheon that will focus on a unique floodplain issue
The 1st Annual MnAFPM Conference will again be held in Rochester on November 17th-19th. The conference will focus on FEMA’s Map Modernization efforts and the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA2000). In addition we’ll offer field trips, the CFM exam and social and networking opportunities.
I hope you consider joining MnAFPM. As our organization matures and the umbrella of membership widens, I envision partnerships to deepen that will affect positive change for the communities and constituents we serve.
Thomas Berry
MnAFPM President